Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Week 1 Day 3 (Technically training started on Sunday, I just took my two rest days early)

Run like hell and get the agony over with! ~ Clarence DeMar

That about what I felt like this morning while getting through this first day of training! I guess if it was meant to be easy everyone would be doing it :) Honestly, other than not hitting my times, it didn't really go too bad. Lots of things to work on though that is for sure!

Cardio workout for the day was completed this morning.

2 Mile Warmup - 16:23

Then came all the fun! Three 1 mile intervals with a 1 minute rest in between each interval.

Mile 1 Interval - 6:52 (Goal was 6:12 so plus 40 seconds)
Mile 2 Interval - 6:43 (Goal was 6:12 so plus 31 seconds)
Mile 3 Interval - 6:33 (Goal was 6:12 so plus 22 seconds)

2 Mile Cooldown - 16:51

All in all I was satisfied with my first run under the new training plan. Running sometimes can be a very humbling sport. I finished no where near the times I needed, but I was happy to get this first speed work done and get a baseline for where I need to get too. Total of 7 miles completed!

Nutritionally I had an ok day. My daily caloric need is 2,330 calories. Today I earned and additional 1,118 calories from exercise. I am going to be "zigzagging" my calories all throughout training this summer. Some days I am going to eat a ton...other days I am not going to eat as much, regardless of exercise exertion. Today was a reduction day.

Total Calories Needed - 3,448
Total Calories Consumed - 2,542
Calorie Deficit of 906 calories
Percent of calories from Carbs - 64.36%
Percent of calories from Fats - 21.24%
Percent of calories from Protein - 19.83%
72 Ounces of water consumed.

I believe I basically got it right where I wanted it today. Remember when you are training, enough fuel in and of itself is not enough. It has to be the right kind of fuel. You need to ensure you find the right balance. A good mix of carbs and proteins and fats will go a long way in ensuring that you have success at your training. If your body runs out of energy, well, it is just going to make everything that much harder.

So on to tomorrow....
Tomorrow is a NON running day! Again this is something I am going to have to get used to on this training plan. Only running 3 days per week! Tomorrow however is not an off day.

Spinning. 20 to 25 miles on the bike.

Bench Press - 4 Sets
Hanging Leg Raises - 4 Sets
Push-ups - 4 sets of 26
Ab Rollers - 4 sets of 11
Bicep's - 4 Sets
Tricep's - 4 Sets

That is it for now. Should be a great day tomorrow.

Happy Running!

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