Thursday, December 23, 2010

Proper Training

This is not about instant gratification. You have to work hard for it, sweat for it, give up sleeping in on Sunday mornings. ~ Lauren Fessenden

Running a marathon or a half-marathon is by no means easy! I am certain that most people would agree with me on this point! It also does not have to be extremely hard. Being prepared on race day both mentally and physically will ensure that you have given yourself every opportunity for success. Being prepared means that you need to account for anything and everything! As most of you are probably doing right now, you have found your training plan and you have identified a target date to start your training. Let the fun begin!
Your training for your race should in fact be the hardest part of the entire experience. Most training plans give you types of runs and distances to run, which is extremely important. However, have you thought of the following? Have you trained in the rain? If you have not, what is going to happen on race day and it is raining outside. If you have trained in the rain you will at least have an idea about how to handle the weather, you will be able to draw upon your past experience and not let the rain mentally or physically affect you. How about the snow? How many races are actually run in snow you ask? I can remember a half marathon I ran last October here in Fargo where it was snowing! Now granted it was mainly flurries, however because I had previously run in snow (and I mean lots of the stuff) it didn't bother me at all. Cold? This one is the one that really gets the best of me personally. I am not a big fan of running in the cold. Problem is most marathons and half-marathons are run when the weather is a bit on the chilly side. So even though I don't like the cold, I know that I need to train in it. I need to know what to wear and what not to wear. Experience is everything here! Hills? Even the smallest hill at mile 23 hurts!!!! Heat? Running in the heat is just flat out dangerous no matter your fitness level. Here is a great little article on what you can do to stay cool when you are forced to run in the heat. Have you run on tired legs? You just came off of that long run the day before and you do NOT feel like running another step. Now is the perfect time to lace up the old running shoes and hit the streets. Running on tired legs will train your mind and body to deal with what is going to occur at the end of the race. Do you run in the morning or do you run at night? Most marathons and half-marathons are run in the morning so if you have not done any morning runs it is absolutely imperative that you do so.
I cannot stress the importance of proper training enough. Not just miles run and types of runs, but the conditions in which you go out there and train. If you are prepared, race day will be a breeze!

Happy Running!

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