Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I've learned that finishing a marathon isn't just an athletic achievement. It's a state of mind; a state of mind that says anything is possible. ~ John Hanc

This past weekend I was lucky enough to have completed my 15th marathon at the Rock and Roll Mardi Gras New Orleans Marathon. The atmosphere was festive as most Rock and Roll races are and there were thousands upon thousands of people all eager to in some cases achieve their dreams. Not everyone can or will run a marathon or half marathon, for those that do, the excitement and nervousness can sometimes be overwhelming! I have witnessed it at the start, at mile 18 and at the finish. Everyday, regular, normal people go from "I can't to "I will" to "I did!" It is an amazing transformation. No matter your training plan, your age, your sex, your height or your weight...the ONLY part of you that matters when you toe that line, preparing to race the toughest distance in road running, is your heart!

Happy Running!

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