Thursday, January 6, 2011

2011 Running Goals

Let me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal: my strength lies soley in my tenacity. ~ Louis Pasteur

The other day I talked about the difference between resolutions and goals. Every year I generally take some time and sit down and figure out what my specific goals are for various aspects of my life. As a general rule, I do not publicly share my goals with many people...if any at all actually. That being said, I figured that this year I would share my "running/fitness" goals. So without any further is my list of goals I hope to achieve in 2011! I have put these in order of prededence from the ones I most hope to achieve to ones that if I achieve great, if I don't, no big deal.

1) Break 3 Hours and 30 Minutes in a Marathon (PR is 3:35:03 set in October 2010)

2) Break 1 Hour and 30 Minutes in a Half-Marathon (PR is 1:33:42 set in October 2010)

3) Run 2011 miles in 2011 in 303 hours or less (that would be 12 days and 15 hours of running)

4) Break 19 minutes in a 5K (PR is 19:33 set in October 2010)

5) Run 100 miles in a week at least one time (PR is 90 miles in a week in September 2010)

6) Run 300 miles in a month at least one time (PR is 250 miles in a month in September 2010)

7) Break the 6 minute mile mark for one mile (current fastest mile is 6:04..on a side note this was set during a 5K and I really thought one of my legs was going fly off at any moment)

8) Win a race of any distance (current best overall finish is 5th in a 5K and 7th in a Half-Marathon)

9) Run for 12 consecutive hours (Never even attempted something like this)

10) Bike 1,000 miles and do 500 miles on the Eliptical (I have a general dislike for the bike but I am learning that cross training is important)

Well those would be my running goals for 2011....each of them presents their own unique challenges and all will take some work to achieve. I challenge everyone to develop their own unique set of goals. Remember that the goal needs to be challenging enough that you have to work your butt off to achieve but not unattainable. Good luck and....

Happy Running!

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