Monday, December 6, 2010

The LONG run!!

What kind of crazy nut would spend two or three hours a day just running? ~ Pre

Many of you who have decided to run a marathon or a half marathon have undoubtably taken a look at a few training programs by this point. You have probably noticed that as the training plan progresses towards the end you start seeing significantly longer runs. If you are training for a marathon you will see in most cases long runs of between 18 and 22 miles and about 10 to 14 miles for half marathon trainee's. The benefits of the long run are many! From strengthening the heart to increasing aerobic efficiency, the long run will move you from one level of running into an entirely new realm of running! I believe however that most important aspect of the long run is that it develops mental toughness. Whether it is a half marathon or a marathon, there will come a point in the race when you feel like you just can't go on, not one more step! This is when the race moves from a physical event to a mental event. Do you have the mental strength to continue? Is your mind strong enough to overcome the pain that your body is experiencing? By getting out there during your training and doing your long run's you are developing this mental toughness. I stand by the belief that it is significantly harder to run 20 miles in a training run by yourself with no support than it is to run a marathon. During the race you have support from the crowds, the event organization providing you food and fuel. On a solo training it is you and you alone! I am including a link to a great article I found quite some time ago that I hope everyone takes a moment to read. It is very in depth and details out specifically why the long run is so important. You can find the article HERE.

Happy Running!

1 comment:

  1. I would also encourage those thinking about completing a marathon or half marathon to find a training partner or group. You are right Jim, running a solo "long run" is mentally exhausting. On race day a runner will have outside factors providing motivation. I know it's not always a possibility to have a partner/group ...but consider! You don't have to race together but someone to help keep you on course with training. I have had multiple partners and enjoyed them all! (TRAINING PARTNERS!)
